Monday, February 11, 2008

CakePHP News

The CakePHP Development Site

Submitting Tickets
Before submitting a ticket read this: Bug Reporting. Make sure you have searched the CakePHP Google Group, and through the tickets that have already been submitted. Another suggestion is to grab the latest nightly or use the branch where many problems are fixed on a daily basis. You must be registered to submit tickets: Register here.

Latest Version


1.1 Nightly Build
svn co /path/to/save
Whats in 1.2?
CakePHP pre-beta
1.2 Nightly Build
svn co /path/to/save

Documentation Efforts
We are still hard at work on the documenation. You can help by submitting Documentation tickets. The Documentation tickets could be bugs (if you find a typo or problem), enhancements (if you know a cool function and want to document it) or RFCs ( if you want something described better). Hopefully, this will help centralize the efforts in our ongoing attack to get all the features documented. Select the milestone/version for 1.x.x.x Manual and we will do our best to have updates quickly.
Getting Started with Cake
The Bakery
CakePHP Manual
CakePHP Google Group
Visit us at #cakephp on
* Remember that when you submit something to this site, you are giving us permission to use, reproduce, and modify the contribution in any way, shape, or form.
addHeadingLinks(document.getElementById("searchable"), "Link to this section");

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